Friday, August 22, 2008

Sparse but Special

Well, our get together wasn't the most attended event this year but it was great fun for all who participated. We found that we each have build different lives but we still have enough in common that we enjoy being together. Hopefully, with the help from this blog, our next party will include many others. Lets try to do a little searching and see if we can find more of our little group to share this blog.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Getting Together Again

After more than 30 years, we are getting together to do some catch up. We met at Lynn and Andrea Speirs home on Thursday, August 21, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. We were late getting it scheduled and really ran into some problems finding everyone so maybe everyone doesn't necessarily want to found. Our plan is to provide a way for those who would like to stay in touch to share our joys, sorrows, goals, and ideals with each other like we did in the years of bell bottoms, swedish knit, and Dorothy Hamel haircuts.
This blog is interactive and will only be successful if you are willing to participate. We hope that it will make it easier in the future to contact all interested for reunions.